12 Best Hairstyles For Men with Big Foreheads

by Bùi Thuỷ Tiên

Just like a widow’s peak or a receding hairline, a big forehead is something that some men are sensitive about. However, don’t worry, there are endless hairstyles that will help you cover or hide this facial feature. You should always consider your face shape when choosing a style, the truth is a big forehead doesn’t limit your choices. The best hairstyles for big foreheads men play into the shape of your head by balancing out the dimensions of your face. There are countless ways to draw attention away and minimize your forehead. You might choose various hairstyles from short hairstyles like the crew cut and crop top fade to longer styles like the comb-over and blowout.

To inspire your next look, here are the coolest and trendy hairstyles for men with big foreheads. Check out and pick the most appealing version to try.

12 Best Hairstyles For Men with Big Foreheads

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